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Giveaway: KeyFi x Polygon 1,000 BUSD Giveaway Value: 1,000 $ | AirdropsGun™

Giveaway: KeyFi x Polygon 1,000 BUSD Giveaway
Value: 1,000 $BUSD (10 Winners)
Referral: +3 Entries per referral
End Date: 4th January 2022
Distribution Date: 7 days after contest ends

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Step-by-step guide:
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is a next-generation app used to track, manage, and deploy your capital intelligently across DeFi.


Alpha News: KeyFi is days away from launching their long-awaited KeyFi Pro app. Watch a preview of the app here!

10 Winner's will be Selected Randomly.

Disclaimer: Please do your own research before joining to any airdrops project.