Get Mystery Box with random crypto!

275% Profit result in last 24 hour #gto 123% within 24 m | Crypto Pump Island

275% Profit result in last 24 hour

#gto 123% within 24 minutes
#agld 15% within 6 hour
#om 22% within 7 minutes
#prom 14% within 1.5 hour
#iota 34% within 2 hour
#nav 34% within 67 minutes
#bel 33% within 57 minutes

Total profit 275%

20-(22,21,20) profit results

We don't have any WhatsApp group
Guys, if someone claiming to be reselling premium signals, you will get rekt.
Few people created fake id with same name APGLOBALS
Please check userid(not name) APGLOBALS in capital letters before paying

Please beware of scammers
