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Gem Project Alert : BurnerKing $BK - World’s first & only true | DefiGemCalls 📈💎📲

Gem Project Alert : BurnerKing $BK - World’s first & only true burn coin of its kind with the actual utility.

Dev is doxxed and I have known him personally for more than a year now, the same guy from MemeCoin Universe and The Official MINE Token, two of the best performing tokens of last year.

He is coming with a ground breaking contract, team has been working hard on the development for many months and now they are revealing the utility in 2 days.

Official Contract : 0x06dc8cc801b8f71e3ea6e68a18c87a7ba005bfb4

Fasten your seatbelts, The Utility Reveal is coming in less than 48 hours.

Head over to their TG for the updates :