According to Money Today and Chosun Ilbo, the firm, which is a unit of the LG conglomerate, will issue a new collection featuring its Moono octopus-like animated character. The collection is inspired by the success of the firm’s debut collection, which sold out in just 2 seconds after it was released on OpenSea, via the Kakao-founded Klaytn blockchain in May.
LGU+ stated that the upcoming collection would be much larger than the first. 1,000 NFTs will be issued. The collection will feature Moono office workers and their “changing emotions” over the course of the working week. The firm also revealed that all the KLAY tokens it receives from the sale would be donated to charity. It intends to withhold 100 of the new NFTs for “marketing purposes,” while the remaining 900 collectibles will be up for public acquisition during two sales to be held on September 5.