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A SmartMoney bought 477,923 $LDO in the past 5 days, the buyin | PUMPmaps 🚀 Crypto Signals & Investment 📈

A SmartMoney bought 477,923 $LDO in the past 5 days, the buying cost is 1,429,560 $USDT, and the average buying price is $2.99. The SmartMoney has made $122K on $LDO before!
The SmartMoney: - Bought 318,535 $LDO on Feb 7, cost is 800,074 $USDT; - Sold $LDO for 861,071 $USDT on Feb 9th; - The profit is 60,997 $USDT. - Bought 183,593 $LDO on Feb 9, cost is 491,105 $USDT; - Sold $LDO for 552,126 $USDT on Feb 18th; - The profit is 61,021 $USDT