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SolWorms are a collection of 10,000 silly, sassy, strange, Sol | Shitcoin 100x BSC/ETH Project

SolWorms are a collection of 10,000 silly, sassy, strange, Solana NFTs that live on the Solana Blockchain.

If you're excited by our SolWorms, you'll love our token. $DIRT is our Solana-based utility token that sits at the core of the SolWorm metaverse.

1,000 (10%) of our SolWorms will be $DIRT-generating, and you have a 1 in 10 chance of minting one on the 2nd November at 6PM UTC.

$DIRT will fuel our SolWorm metaverse allowing breeding, customization, Gen2+, voting, and finally, giving your SolWorm a place to live... and more.

2 Nov, 6PM UTC
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