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Xpose Protocol ($XP) Join Xpose Protocol to participate i | Shitcoin Presale

Xpose Protocol ($XP)

Join Xpose Protocol to participate in a decentralized community-driven marketing ecosystem. $XP will transform the way brands run marketing campaigns!

Team of Advisors/Inspirers with Connections around the world.
Team of Inspirators:
-Ivan Rakitic (Player of Sevilla FC and )
-Oleksander Zinchenko (Player of Man City and )
-Another one coming this week
Collaboration with @433, biggest non-person Instagram page with 60+ million followers.
First big marketing campaign started last week!
Liquidity locked
Smart contract audited
Upcoming NFT's and own Platform Q4 2021.

Contract ID : 0x6a0b045ea1cbc87946ee6ca4d118dc0b5c152455

CoinMarketCap listing applied and is coming very soon!

Join the official Xpose Protocol Telegram group :

For more information :
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