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A very favorable environment for scamming and spamming As s | TON Community

A very favorable environment for scamming and spamming

As soon as TON gained fame and became recognizable by a large group of Telegram users, scammers entered the ecosystem and started to profit at the newcomers’ expense. With tiny transaction fees, The Open Network became the hotbed for various fraudulent schemes aimed at stealing your crypto assets. It is the reverse side of blockchain’s advantages.

You might have seen these spam transactions convincing you to enter the seed phrase on a bogus site. Akin to spam mail at off-chain services, users continue to suffer from constant transactions consisting of malicious links. Unfortunately, the developers of The Open Network cannot forbid such transactions due to the asynchronous nature of blockchain. The best method to protect yourself from spam transactions is to do your own research and under no circumstances enter your seed phrase, except when activating your non-custodial wallet.

A bunch of popular wallet apps — e.g., Tonkeeper and Tonhub — started to hide small transfers of Toncoin. More likely, the number of such transactions will only grow, leading developers to build up a filtering system for incoming messages which will help separate the wheat from the chaff. Each day scammers come up with something new and unique: recently, users started to receive a spam jetton, i.e., a token on The Open Network, named “Account banned.” It is better to ignore these tokens and hide them if they disturb you.

We wrote a detailed article a few week ago about how to avoid becoming easy prey for scammers. It will help you not fall into the hands of scammers.
