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Artyfact BUSD Airdrop The reward distribution of this aird | Airdrop Detective

Artyfact BUSD Airdrop

The reward distribution of this airdrop is guaranteed by Airdrop Detective

Reward: Up to 3 BUSD + 1100 BUSD for the top 15 referrers.

Extra Reward: 10 BUSD for 30 random winners each for the Discord task.

Start the Artyfact BUSD
Airdrop Bot

Join their Telegram group and channel. (Mandatory: 1 BUSD)
Follow their Twitter, like and retweet the pinned post. (Mandatory: 1 BUSD)
Join their Discord. (Optional: 10 BUSD for 30 random winners each)
Do the other optional tasks on the bot. (Up to: 1 BUSD)
Submit your details to the airdrop bot.

530 valid participants will be randomly rewarded in addition to the top 15 referrers on January 25th, 2023.

ARTY is audited by Certik.

Information About Distribution Guaranteed Airdrops