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Gravity DEX testnet competition Reward: 200,000$ [Total Pool | Airdrop Official 🍥

Gravity DEX testnet competition
Reward: 200,000$ [Total Pool]


1. Open this form: https://airtable.com/shrnBmHrFYOJaCgNm

2. Enter your name, email id, twitter username with "@"

3. Tweet a post by using these tags and link: #gravitydex #trading @cosmos $Atom https://gravitydex.io [Like this: https://twitter.com/sreerajsreeku20/status/1387988473236230146]. Copy and paste your tweet link in the form.

4. Make 2 different wallets here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/keplr/dmkamcknogkgcdfhhbddcghachkejeap?hl=en

5. Enter the first wallet address in the first textbox and the second address in the second one.

6. Tick the checkboxes in the form and submit.