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Don't miss out! Only 2 days left till the end of @YGAME_Offic | ALIEN CRYPTO GROUPS

Don't miss out!

Only 2 days left till the end of @YGAME_Official Presale on @UNCX_token at 17:00 UTC June 26
Presale Rate: 1 BNB = 220 YGAME
Listing Rate: 1 BNB = 154 YGAME

To take part in the Presale, go to: https://app.unicrypt.network/amm/pancake-v2/ilo/0x04Aa01B6B269b6b3366ae7c37556E4b6f952F78C

Soft-cap is met. It means Presale is successful. It will be listed on Pancakeswap right after Presale is finalized (Hard-cap is reached OR Presale ends on June 26th)

YGAME is a deflationary, self-regenerating automatic liquidity providing protocol that pays out static rewards to holders.

YGAME is also a utility token that will be used in their eco system: Lottery, Lending, Charity, NFT Marketplace, and more.

Smart Contract is audited by Solidity Finance

YGAME Team has been KYCed by PassOrFailMe

Website: www.ygame.finance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YGAME_Finance
Telegram: https://t.me/YGAME_Official