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THE DAILY TOP | 08.04.2023 Best in silver hunt: 1. Augme | Arcona® - The Digital Land® (en)

THE DAILY TOP | 08.04.2023

Best in silver hunt:

1. Augmethod - 1 934 948
2. Knight Flyer - 383 651
3. Magister Banditbann1985 - 230 399
4. ghostfaceknight - 1 068
5. MrBo - 334
6. Baron BeasT - 309
7. Magister هريرة لطيف - 289

Best in Combat Exp:

1. Augmethod - 6 028 exp
2. Knight Flyer - 2 929 exp
3. Magister Banditbann1985 - 412 exp
4. Magister هريرة لطيف - 1 exp
5. Baron BeasT - -1 exp