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Did you know that Nigeria is a crypto hotspot? Nigeria is one | BDC Consulting ⭕️ ENG

Did you know that Nigeria is a crypto hotspot?

Nigeria is one of the global leaders in crypto adoption. Surprised? But it’s true. Out of 216M people, 33M are crypto users – that’s 15%! And that even though the Central Bank banned bank transactions with crypto.

• Nigeria’s official language in English, 40% of the population are under 18, and there are lots of work migrants who need to send money home. These could be the main reasons why so many Nigerians use cryptocurrency.

• There’s also a cool study by CoinGecko where they calculated Google searches for ‘buy crypto’ and ‘invest in crypto’ in different countries, and Nigeria came out on top! Ahead of the UAE and Singapore, and far, far ahead of the US and UK.

We’re going to publish something very interesting on Nigeria soon – stay tuned!