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​​ Bitcoin made me worry when the price dropped below $ 56,00 | Crypto Calendar News

​​ Bitcoin made me worry when the price dropped below $ 56,000, but then the rate returned to growth

Sunday news:

On the first day of trading Bitcoin-ETF on the Canadian stock exchange, transactions were made for $ 165 million

Elon Musk participates in the flashbom “Bitcoin for $ 100,000”, but only for one day

Traders on the Nasdaq Private Market valued the Coinbase crypto exchange at $ 100 billion

Custodian service BitGo has joined the alliance of KPMG and Coin Metrics, which aims to promote cryptocurrencies among institutional investors


S&P 500 - 3,906 (↓ 0.19%)
Bitcoin - $ 57,236 (↑ 4.40%)
Gold - $ 1,783 (↑ 0.46%)
Oil Brent - $ 62.74 (↓ 1.86%)
