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S&P 500 corrected by the end of the week, but it doesn't look | Crypto Calendar News

S&P 500 corrected by the end of the week, but it doesn't look like a big correction yet.

Cryptocurrency market capitalization returned to levels above $ 2 trillion, altcoins again surpass BTC in growth

Weekly digest:

Binance crypto exchange introduced mandatory verification for all users

The world's largest investment company BlackRock bought shares of mining companies for $ 383 million

Coinbase will spend $ 500 million on investments in cryptocurrencies and will regularly buy altcoins for 10% of income

The head of the payment division of Facebook, David Marcus, announced the readiness of the Novi crypto wallet for the launch

Walmart, the world's largest retailer, is looking for a digital currency executive

Ledger hardware crypto wallet now supports BNB and BEP-20 tokens

Wall Street's most famous bear, Michael Burry, went short against Katy Wood's fund and raised against Tesla

Bloomberg: Soros Fund and other large US investment companies dump Chinese stocks

The Dogecoin Foundation was restored, its leadership included Vitalik Buterin, developers Billy Markus and Max Keller, Neuralink CEO Jared Birchall

Wells Fargo has registered a passive BTC fund for high net worth clients

Media: 35 Chinese banks add digital yuan to their apps


Bitcoin - $ 48 705 (↓ 1.81%)
S&P 500 - 4441 (↑ 0.81%)
Gold - $ 1,782 (↓ 0.03%)
Oil Brent - $ 64.98 (↓ 2.21%)
