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The new Chinese FUD returned Bitcoin for $ 42,000. The network | Crypto Calendar News

The new Chinese FUD returned Bitcoin for $ 42,000. The network is arguing whether it was a new ban of cryptocurrencies or a repetition of old statements

Saturday news:

Twitter added donations in bitcoin through the Lightning Network for iOS users, the number of LN channels per day increased by 22.24%

The Wall Street Journal: Leading US banks and investment firms to launch an online IPO platform by the end of the year

Away from China: FTX has moved its office from Hong Kong to the Bahamas

In Kazakhstan, where many Chinese miners have moved, there is a shortage of electricity and the government may impose a temporary ban on the mining of cryptocurrencies

Leading mining pool Ethereum SparkPool has stopped serving users from China


Bitcoin - $ 42,060 (↓ 6.07%)
S&P 500 - 4,448 (↓ 0.16%)
Gold - $ 1,750 (↑ 0.48%)
Oil Brent - $ 78.03 (↑ 1.05%)
