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What to do with your red coins and bad trades? How to sell it | Blockchain Whispers

What to do with your red coins and bad trades? How to sell it in profit? Will it be in profit? What about Coin X?

D Man here.

Before I tell you what you can do to avoid selling your coins at loss and still making money in the bull run, I must tell you the crypto view I have so we are on the same page.

You see, before late 2017, most part of the civilization didn’t know shit about crypto.


Then 2017 bull run came.

Things exploded. Idiots became multi millionaires. Projects with a website raised tens of millions.


Not at all.

Those people were EARLY crypto believers. Early adopters.

They got REWARDED for choosing an ACCEPTED technology ahead of its acceptance.

Fair and square.

Since then we had ZERO bull runs!
Like lizzards on the sun, the people heard “there’s something profitable” and joined in.

ICOs started popping like mushrooms after the rain… “ICO for pizza delivery” and a bunch of things that didn’t need blockchain raised too much money, and the market needed to correct.

The market corrected however the second bull run didn’t come.

… until now.

Surely, after the fact, some analysts will say “yes, we can see here it was cyclical, five years after the bull run #2 happened”. They know shit. It’s easy to be genius after the fact. Or general after the war.

It’s only ME who is predicting now the bull run.

Only me, remember.

And if I miss by weeks or months, it’s nothing compared on a multi-year scale where most miss it by YEARS.

2019 was heavily predicted to be the bull run year. It didn’t happen.
2020. The same. Then it dropped to $3xxx per bitcoin. Everyone signalled Bitcoin capitulating.. yet your D Man here told you it’s the greatest buying opportunity and it’s the bottom.

Now only I am predicting this bull run to happen starting around NOW (watch the precision), and it can be a week or five from now… until summer.

What to expect in the upcoming bull run?

First of all, market is fluid, and adaptive. If too many people are on the winning side, it can easily change. Like it did a test in early 2021, it could have easily started the bull run but people joined in and created an opportunity to get them hooked one more time before the real run.


When the real alt run begins, I expect, now here’s the kicker… for the first half of the run, for most of the alts to be green.
For alts that are YOUNGER than 5 years, to reach their all time high unless projects went dead.

The key and huge importance is that you then SELL.

Because your losing alts are 1) making less gains compared to the winning alts thus making you opportunity cost 2) are going to the ground eventually.

This Could Be The Last Alt Run!

At first the believers were rewarded.
Now, in this alt run, it makes sense to reward no one except… to hook and reel as many people in as much liquidity before


After this alt run, I predict the beginning of multi-year bear season for Bitcoin and this is where primarily my Premium members, and then after you also, I want to exit you timely, to make it Blockchain Whispers’ grand finale. To make you proud for having followed me, for remembering one D Man.

After that, I’m gone. Out of crypto. I want to develop some things that I postponed for years. Things that I don’t have business plan for, just to develop and for which I need capital to be able to finance the top coders for multi-year periods. But I won’t leave until the bull run is over, and until I have a chance to tell you: “brother, I’d exit here, I think this is near the top”.

This time, we will not pinpoint the very top to the dollar.

We will wait for the confirmation and exit within the 10% of the top peak price. If I’m successful.

The other day I told you I’ll confirm to you once the move up is confirmed (although I predicted nicely the bottom), and I forgot.
Such thing won’t happen in the bull run because I know from the second half of the bull run I have to pay daily careful attention to the surprises of the market.

D Man loves you.