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Who Would You Beat The Shit Of? It’s discusting. During the | Blockchain Whispers

Who Would You Beat The Shit Of?

It’s discusting.

During these holidays, I gathered a family and donated to lone kids (without parents or with terrible family conditions) to at least buy them gifts and make them one day happy.

I know if I gave money, who knows how it will be spent, so I asked them to all write down for me their wishes, and my family spent days buying presents, packing them and bringing them to the kids.

What they didn’t expect us was that we will come to bring the gifts, and I also gathered friends with some cars to drive kids around.

You know when you’re young kid, you like that sort of thing.

What happened was nothing short of shocking!

I entered a room of quiet kids who are very quiet when getting their gifts.
Almost emotionless.

The same kids that were super happy just minutes ago when we were driving them in cars.

Something showed me the red flag.

When they would unwrap their presents, my mother asked one kid: “is this what you wanted?” as she spent days going through their wishlists to buy it for them (trust me, it’s much more complicated process than my part which was just to pay for the entire thing”).

The kid answered: “no”.

We noticed some kids wishing for coupons in stores they didn’t even know what they are for, and when we asked them, the ladies controling (I won’t say educating) the kids answered for them “yes, you wanted this”, and kids were quiet.

Brother, for politician to be a crook, I don’t mind.
For financial guy, to steal from stocks, I don’t mind. Not one bit. Hey, he’s in finance to get rich.

BUT for people in some NOBLE professions to be fucking crooks, I’d want to smash their heads.

Imagine the frustration. It would be easier for me to fucking pay them than to have my entire family go search through the wishlist for the kids they never wished for.

If it would be legal, I’d pay triple to have someone beat the shit out of those kid-controllers (disclaimer: I won’t. It’s not legal. But the mental jerking-off does feel at least as some sort of satisfaction).

Isn’t it ugly?

Doctors, charity workers,… should be noble people. People we all should help when we get a chance.
When docs, charity workers, etc are crooks, it’s hard to find understanding.

This has nothing to do with crypto, but like my two cents in life - if you wanna get rich, choose rich-getting profession. Be at least somewhat ethical.

I’d never, ever want to sue bitmex who saw my stops, STOLE my money… or Binance… hey… it’s my problem for thinking the game wasn’t rigged. I lost what? Money. Alright…

But to see people stealing from heavy life situation KIDS?
