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“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the | Blockchain Whispers

“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” - quote attributed to Lincoln

You see friend, I have to get this off my chest before I explode -

I believe there is a group, a very small group of media-owning/influencing individuals who got grasps of tremendous power and are now misusing it to the fullest.

Like I always said, the problem is the conservative guy, not the honest guy. Conservative guy off the leash gets kinky pervert in ways ‘crazy’ honest guys like myself and you maybe can’t even think off…

I can’t find better analogy than sex.

If you are fucking often, seeing hot chicks, and banging them… or at least admitting to yourself you want to bang them and not acting contrarian about it… you… when that pair of tits is naked in front of you, you’ll do what a normal, healthy guy is supposed to do - fuck the living shit out of her…

… however…

You’ll not even get any weird desires of putting carrots up each other asses.

Conservatives do!

And there is nature/psychological explanation in repressing something for too long, and you become prone to the other extreme overcompensation for the lacking element.

There are positives in overcompensating like the ugly guy taking care of himself he is very well groomed or a poor guy taking care of his girlfriend really well…

However, in the particular conservative case, only ugly is the truth.

Now give them power.

Imagine yourself a group of conservative, pervert, older men saturated of fucking children, animals, same sex, and whatever-other-sick-twisted-idea… they need something new.

And now imagine those few men, control the media.

Look, 80% of world’s wealth is in the hands of 0.1% of the people.

0.1% of the population holds 80% of the TOTAL wealth on the planet.

It’s even easier for the few to learn to control 80+% of the media. (although the reality shows us more than 99%+)

What I am sick, frustrated and feeling so lonely about… is the


They are serving agendas for decades already, and people don’t get it.

You go read on the news site:

“BAD GUY… did XXX”

You go on another news site, following exactly the same agenda, just rephrased.

You go in the comments, you see the same thing.

And you think, this is what people think, something must be wrong with you.

But the truth brother is, media is no longer media. It is mind-controlling, brain-washing, sheep-breeding tool of that small group of people who have nothing smarter to do in their twisted lives.

Not brainwashing you?

Let me give you some topics I wish you to consider, and you will already feel that all that even if you’d start reconsidering it, or thinking critically about it you’d feel some sort of … well… guilt.

- being gay is unhealthy.
- women shouldn’t be empowered to disrespect their men
- Russia and the people of Russia might not be all the fools and all completely wrong

— just 3 random categories examples… how do you feel about it?

Is it already dogmatic, like something you shouldn’t question?

Cults and unhealthy things are made that way… when you take away people’s ability to question.

It works the same way… who questions you expell/embarass them out of the group.

What happens in the media if you comment about any of those things…

they got so cocky, there is no longer free speech.

You get banned!

Free speech says you can QUESTION everything.

Well, try making a channel on youtube dedicated to scientific evidence and talks ONLY about your theory that gay is unhealthy.

— bam you’ll get banned.

Make a twitter account dedicated only about how they stole elections from Trump and back it only with the factual data, but keep the narrative.

— bam, you’ll get banned.

Try talking about wanting to UNDERSTAND the Russian side…

— you’ll get again shamed, blamed, attacked before you open your mouth.

Is that free speech my friend?

When I ask you do you trust media, you broke records in polling with unity in saying NO.

But do you take time to realize how much they already