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free channel. If I can’t do a public service here, there is no | Blockchain Whispers

free channel. If I can’t do a public service here, there is no need for this channel. And with this, to the best of my current knowledge, I believe I am doing you good.

My ultimate goal is that maybe one day we have non-biased media and source of information.
That we are trusted to behave properly, regardless of few bad fruits out there.

Brother, without any laws, I’d still be a good man.

In some book I read about the mafia, they said, the mafia can exist only in society with laws… because laws are not perfect.

Sure, some people need laws to tell them how to behave because their upbringing or messed dna didn’t do the job.

However, most of us, I believe, are goodhearted people who only suffer, so the best suffer, for what? Under the guise of few rotten tomatoes… with real agenda of fucking power to those few playing Sims with us.

All I ask is give me ONE media I can follow that is unbiased, that’s factual. Both sided. ONE. And I’ll follow that one, allow commenting only with fucking verified ID and reputation score, not by amount of crap you say but by longevity, track record and factual score.

I’ll have then a CHOICE… I’ll follow that one, and let everyone who wants to follow cnn or such. I know I won’t. Except to check what they are feeding the majority with.

But now… I don’t have a fucking choice. There is one narrative… how suddenly covid ended when ukrainian war started…

I still don’t know whose bioweapon covid is…

and I know it’s a bio weapon, don’t you?


What’s the cause?

I know I am not alone. I’ve done enough polls questioning am I alone in this thinking…

Media should change.
It starts with your awareness and discust for what you’re being served.

Stay human brother.


D Man