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Blockmon Update - 26.11.2021 (2/2) 6. New Blockmon Reveals | BlockMonsters ($MNSTRS) Announcements

Blockmon Update - 26.11.2021

6. New Blockmon Reveals

Until we launch the beta, you can expect more and more reveals so that we will come closer to the 150 Blockmons that are still needed to finish our Blockdex.

7. Hardcore Shill Group

As stated before, we are slowly fading into planning our marketing schedule for launch. For this reason, HHH will start a brandnew shill group in which he will guide the best shillers in a new made group on discord and telegram. In this group, he needs active shillers that work based on a tutorial. The goal is to have a trained shill group ready that will support the marketing campaigns and actions in the near future as best as they can. Anyone who wants to take part has to PM HHH, including a reason why you want to take part in this.

8. Unlimited Boosters

Glad to say that we will launch different versions of unlimited boosters in the near future, those will be unlimited, but for a limited timeframe. Therefore they are still limited since we will not announce when the boosters will be gone. Those booster packs will occur regularly with different Blockmons. 90% of these Blockmons will be catchable in-game, but some may not be or just very hard to catch. As an example, Blockmons that have been in a Booster pack in January might be in a new pack in April. We might also have several packs available at the same time, containing different Blockmons for your team. Again, those Blockmons will be limited since it could be possible that new packs will never include them again. Those boosters will also help our reward pool and token economy since we will use most the BNB for buybacks and most of the MNSTRS for P2E rewards and burns. More information to come after P2E launch!