Get Mystery Box with random crypto!

The first subscription based bot on the Binance Smart Chain | Bsc_Hub

The first subscription based bot on the Binance Smart Chain




What We Offer

Liquidity sniping: snipe any token as it's liquidity get's added

Limit-orders: automate your trading strategies

DxSale sniping: snipe presales as they open up to the public

Stop-orders: snipe paused trading tokens and automate your trading strategies

Pricing: 0.075BNB/2 weeks

Our service aims to be affordable to any type of trader, we ask for a subscription that covers two weeks of our services. Using our tools has a small fee to pay for our backend gas, apart from that you only pay the amount you want the bot to purchase for you.

No need to enter any private key or seed phrase, so you are not putting your at wallet risk by using our services. The website simply uses MetaMask to pay for your subscription and to create snipes.

We currently support both BNB and BUSD when creating orders so you can use the one that suits you better.

You can access the Bot from everywhere, you just need your mobile phone and the MetaMask app installed.

Our members have hit multiple 100x using the bot, proof of that can be found in our discord.