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​ CryptoIrcleCI Finance Presale Token Name; CryptoIrcleCI T | BSC Newspaper

CryptoIrcleCI Finance Presale

Token Name; CryptoIrcleCI
Token Symbol; $CircleCI
Presale Rate 1 BNB 15.507.221.600.334 CircleCI
Soft Cap: 15 BNB
Hard Cap: 30 BNB
Min: 0.01 BNB
Max: 0.45 BNB
Starts presale at 150 members
PancakeSwap Liquidity; 75%
Unlocks: 2035/05/08
PancakeSwap Rate 1 BNB 15.507.221.600.334 CircleCI


#CircleCI Features:

2% fee auto distribute to all holders.
3% fee auto add to the liquidity pool to locked forever when selling.
Created a black hole so #Bee token will deflate itself in supply with every transaction.

Website: https://circleci.net/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ci_ircle
Telegram: https://t.me/CryptoIrcleCI