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Marathon Shatters Records: Mining Bitcoin's Largest Block Unve | BTC Trunk

Marathon Shatters Records: Mining Bitcoin's Largest Block Unveils Logos' Manifesto

In a dazzling display of mining prowess, Marathon has etched its name in the annals of blockchain history once more. Block 841,886 stands tall as the largest block ever to grace the Bitcoin network, and it carries with it a message – the manifesto of Logos, a champion of decentralized technology.

The rewards reaped by Marathon's mining pool are nothing short of impressive. A hefty 3.16977148 BTC fills their digital coffers, with transaction fees alone amounting to a cool 0.04477148 BTC or roughly $2,654.55.

This monumental achievement surpasses the previous record held by block 832,849, which bore the mark of the Runestone Ordinal project and its enigmatic figurehead, Leonidas. While that block boasted 7 transactions, Logos' grand statement was made with just four.

The trend of colossal blocks has been gaining momentum since Taproot Wizards conjured up a 3.96 MB behemoth back in February 2023. With Logos' latest feat clocking in at 3.993 MB, it seems there's no limit to the ambitions of these blockchain artists.

But let's not forget Marathon's artistic flair! Block 836,361 showcased an elegant letter "M," crafted from a mosaic of transaction types. Though smaller in size at 1.72 MB, this masterpiece managed to squeeze in an impressive 8,320 transactions.

From manifestos to mosaics, Marathon continues to push boundaries and make headlines in the world of Bitcoin mining. With each new milestone, they remind us that innovation knows no bounds on this decentralized frontier.