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Trump's Crypto Endorsement Sends TRUMP Coin Soaring, BODEN Fol | BTC Trunk

Trump's Crypto Endorsement Sends TRUMP Coin Soaring, BODEN Follows Suit

Former President Donald Trump is making waves in the crypto world once again, and this time it's with his endorsement of digital currencies. At a glitzy NFT event, Trump didn't hold back, criticizing Joe Biden's grasp on all things crypto and urging supporters to rally behind him. The result? A market frenzy!

TRUMP coin, the emblematic token of Trump's online presence, has skyrocketed by an impressive 35.6% in just 24 hours. With each coin now valued at $5.75, it's no wonder Trump's crypto wallet is bulging with a staggering $3.33 million worth of TRUMP tokens.

But the action doesn't stop there! BODEN, the digital currency associated with Biden, has also experienced a boost, albeit a more modest one. Despite Trump's disapproval, BODEN has managed to climb by a respectable 16.6%, reaching a current price of $0.357 per coin.

Whether you're a fan of Trump or Biden, it seems that their foray into the world of cryptocurrencies is causing quite the stir. As these meme coins continue to make headlines and investors scramble to get in on the action, one thing is clear: politics and digital assets are now firmly intertwined in this brave new financial landscape.