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AMA / PRESALE ANNOUNCEMENT - ORACLE AI Tuesday, June 6th at | CaesarsCalls


Tuesday, June 6th at 2 pm UTC / 10 am EST
AMA hosted on https://t.me/Caesars_Calls

Can't wait to get things ramped back up heading into the 2nd half of the year - We have the team from OracleAI joining us to open up the day tomorrow at 2 pm UTC ahead of their Fairlaunch on GemPad - Team successfully sold out a small ETH private sale on GemPad in only 25 minutes - Check out the community ahead of the AMA to DYOR!

GemPad ETH Fairlaunch - Live 4 pm UTC:

| Telegram | Twitter | Website | Litepaper |

$ORCAI has their 5 ETH SC Fairlaunch going live through GemPad tomorrow at 4 pm UTC! Oracle AI is looking to build up a predictive AI-Based Wealth Management system for crypto. Had the chance to speak to the team on a short call tonight, and definitely seems like they have a solid vision here - The Oracle AI model is integrated within Telegram already, excited to get the opportunity to showcase this tomorrow - The fairlaunch will kickoff tomorrow, be sure to jump in the community ahead of time to DYOR and join the AMA!

Please remember that some AMAs are less researched, and are an opportunity for new teams to introduce a concept to the community - it is a great tool to interact with the team and ask questions about future plans. REMEMBER NOTHING WE POST IS FINANCIAL ADVICE, PLEASE ALWAYS DYOR!