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Top collab-giveaway Canaboyz & 420StonedTrolls Contests hav | CanaBoyz EN

Top collab-giveaway
Canaboyz & 420StonedTrolls

Contests have already been launched in our Crew 3,
Complete tasks and collect your prizes.

Canaboyz Crew3: https://crew3.xyz/c/canaboyz-global
PULL - 1500$
1. Boss +1 seed
2. 2 seeds
3. 3 seeds $35 each.
4. 2 at $35 seeds
5. $50 in tokens
6. Lamp + fertilizer
7. Lamp
8. Fertilizer
9. Fertilizer
10. Pot

20 randoms, seeds $35 each

Twitter | Discord

420StonedTrolls: https://crew3.xyz/c/420stonedtrolls
PULL - 5000$
There will be 30 prizes in total
1-3 place = 700$/600$/500$
4-7 place = 300$/300$/300$
7-10 place = 200$/200$/200$
11-15 place = 150$/150$/150$/150$/150$
16-20 place = 100$/100$/100$/100$/100$
21-30 place = 50$/50$/50$/50$/50$/50$/50$/50$/50$/50$

Twitter | Discord

All participants compete on equal terms, the strongest will win