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Dear Cherry Community, On Tuesday 24th, a community member not | Cherry Announcements

Dear Cherry Community,
On Tuesday 24th, a community member notified the team something was wrong with the mainnet network. The team promptly investigated and discovered a non-critical issue related to the infrastructure of one of our seeder nodes. We swiftly reacted with a temporary fix, and we are now rolling out a permanent solution. If, at any point in the past week, you encountered inconsistencies with the data displayed on our Cherry.Place network interface rest assured, this is but a glitch. Your funds are safe and have never been at risk; more importantly, the team continues to show their dedication to building out Cherry Network's codebase and making it ever more stable and resilient. We continually monitor issues and have a rigorous process to assign priority and resources to any problems our network may face.

More broadly, this week's events underscore the value of a decentralized community: the team's response was enabled and assisted by our vigilant community members, allowing for a quick resolution and minimal downtime (in the order of tens of minutes). Furthermore, the Cherry Network continued verifying transactions and producing blocks throughout, thanks to its distributed nature. We are confident in the decentralized ledger technology we have built and will continue to develop over time. We are proud to be part of this broader effort to bring open networks and technologies to the mainstream. In times like these, decentralization truly shines as an effective failsafe against catastrophic failure and a catalyst for rapid detection and resolution.

Therefore, we would like to announce a new resolution to decentralize the Cherry Network further, aligning our stakeholders' interests and broadening the network's capacity and inclusivity. The first such action is to expand the network Validator set from the five original Validators who have sustained our network since the mainnet launch to 9. We will announce the four new entities selected to validate the Cherry Network mainnet in a forthcoming announcement. More actions, such as partnerships, upcoming dApps, and parachain deployments, will swiftly follow and be announced in time.
The Cherry Network Core Team