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Gumby Social Club DAO is a decentralized social club with a kn | ChilliCalls

Gumby Social Club DAO is a decentralized social club with a knack for DeFi! Running on the Ethereum blockchain. Gumby Social Club (token ticker $GSC) also serves as a cryptocurrency that incentivizes club members to hold while receiving 3% of all buy and sell transactions as dividends in USDT!

Team is based and have created projects that have gone over 300 mill mcap!!!

The ambition is to combine the meme/gamified aspect of finance and De-Fi- with a cool social club identity that involves NFTs, exclusive merch and community events. The DAO will guide and shape the future of GSC to maximize value to all token holders on top of the dividends received from transaction taxes.
-There will also be special NFT perks for diamond handed holders
- Audit has been submitted along with TechRate and Certik lined up
-Team has said they have intentions to KYC through a third party

For more information join the TG


11% Buy Tax
12% Sell Tax
Token will be stealth launched between 1AM-6AM CST