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The countdown begins! There’s only 8 days until Hatching da | Chumbi Valley - Announcements

The countdown begins!

There’s only 8 days until Hatching day. The 4096 unique Seed Chumbi hatchlings will finally be revealed! The first of their kind.

Current Chumbi Valley Events:

Competition 1 is live!
You can participate for your chance to win a rare Seed NFT or CHMB tokens.

CHMB Hoarder: After implementing this new role only yesterday, we already have 43 CHMB Hoarders in our discord server! You can get this role by holding 25,000+ CHMB

Upcoming Chumbi Valley Events:

Competition 2-4 (for Seed Holders) starts for on the 14th January

Staking is very close to being launched. Stay tuned (be careful of scams)

Hatching Event 20th January

Where to buy CHMB to get the CHMB Hoarder role:

Buy on Kucoin: https://trade.kucoin.com/trade/CHMB-USDT

Buy on PancakeSwap: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?inputCurrency=0x5492ef6aeeba1a3896357359ef039a8b11621b45

Buy on Orion Protocol: https://trade.orionprotocol.io/trade/CHMB-BUSD