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Last month result, #GCR=$1812.40, without lucky winner, so 0.3 | CoinTiger Announcements

Last month result, #GCR=$1812.40, without lucky winner, so 0.36 #GCR (≈ 600 USDT) accumulated to this month.

#PricePrediction for【GCR/USDT】

What is the open price of GCR at 10:00 AM on 1 Sep , 2021 (UTC )?

Start guessing from now to 14:00 PM, 31 Aug, 2021 (UTC)

How to take part
1.Join https://t.me/cointiger_en
2.Make your guess here from now,by this command:#Prediction 1 Sep GCR/USDT = $xxxx.xx

Prize: 0.48 GCR (≈ 800 USDT)

How to win

The prediction you make must be completely same as the open price on 1 Aug, 2021 (GMT+8 ) on CoinTiger that will be selected as winners to share 0.48 GCR(≈ 800 USDT)

If without the correct prediction, the prize will be deferred to next months’s jackpot campaign

1. Participants must pass KYC on CoinTiger
2. Only the first prediction you set will be counted
3. The winner will be announced before 11:00 AM, 4 Sep, 2021 (UTC)
4. Our bot will stop collecting predictions at 14:00 PM, 31 Aug, 2021 (UTC)
5. Campaign time are based in ( UTC )
6. Make sure you have set your CoinTiger’s account UID with @TigerRobot before taking part or else, no rewards will be given