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​ RedPanda presale is LIVE! Presale on DxSale - https://dxsa | Please subscribe to this channel

​ RedPanda presale is LIVE!

Presale on DxSale - https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=638&chain=BSC

RedPanda is a community driven BSC platform launched by a few crypto-enthusiasts in order to combine our love for defi, passive yield and red pandas.

Website: https://redpanda.gg/
Chat: https://t.me/redpanda_bsc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/redpanda_bsc

Presale info:
Total Supply RED
Price: 2750000 RED per 1 BNB
Soft Cap 50 BNB
Hard Cap 100 BNB
Minimum Contribution 0.1 BNB
Maximum Contribution 2 BNB
Liquidity locked by DxSale

Name : RED
Chain: BSC
Total :
Distribution: 50% Panda hole. 27.5% Presale. 20% Liquidity. 2.5% Team
Contract: https://bscscan.com/address/0xE43170a2902749BF0ADFD541B78615992565ed6c

FEATURES our #RED token

- 4% Added to liquidity
- 3% Reward for holders
- 2% Donated to charity
- 1% Used for marketing

PancakeSwap - Immediately after presale
Renounce Ownership - immediately after presale
Burn Token - Done!
Chart - After presale

Today targets:
- 500 members in our chat.
- Start marketing on Twitter/Reddit/4chan/Telegram
- Presale date voting
- Building a strong community.

Little panda. Big targets.