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IUO Starts at 12PM EST! TODAY! $DEEZ MUTZ will be the first | Crypto✔

IUO Starts at 12PM EST! TODAY!
$DEEZ MUTZ will be the first token launched from The Token Kennel's IUO Launchpad!

100 Million Total/Max
IUO – 25 Mill
Liquidity – 20 Mill
Marketing 10 Mill
Burn 10 Mill
Boarding rewards - 35Mill

IUO Details
IUO Start - June 4th 12:00PM EST
IUO End - June 5th 12:00PM EST - Or when hardcap is hit
IUO Price - 200,000 Tokens Per BNB
Listing Price – 189,000 Per BNB
40 BNB Softcap
125 BNB Hardcap

Wallet Limits
Minimum = 0.1 BNB
Maximum = 10 BNB

9% Slippage
3% To Liquidity
3% Shared Between Holders
2% To Boarding Rewards
1% Marketing

Join the Telegram for more Details! @DeezMutz