Get Mystery Box with random crypto!

Alert for Indian I am of the view that scammers have already | Lex & Crypto ✪

Alert for Indian

I am of the view that scammers have already reached P2P.

Modus Operandi is like this:

You see an ad from a verified profile for USDT @ 77.20, Mode of payment: UPI

You think it's safe to go ahead with the transaction and select the 'buy' option for ₹10000, then while trying to make the payment via UPI, it will fail saying there is some error or that the person has not added any bank account. Then you let the seller know about this situation, so the seller then on CHAT or CALL (in case he asks for your number or sends his own) tells you another phone number or UPI and asks you to make the payment on that number/UPI.

And this is where you take the wrong decision. You send your money on a phone number/upi not officially listed by the seller on the app/sale advertisement. Now he gets your money but denies that he didn't get it.

You appeal to the platform but it gets rejected because you didn't send any money on the listed UPI/bank information.

DO NOT EVER send money on any phone number/UPI/bank information not officially listed by the seller in the sale advertisement.