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​Brazil Could Launch Its Defi-Integrated Digital Real in 2024 | Crypto Shake

Brazil Could Launch Its Defi-Integrated Digital Real in 2024

Roberto Campos Neto, president of the Central Bank of Brazil, has stated that the digital real project, the Brazilian central bank digital currency (CBDC) could be launched in 2024. Campos Neto also remarked on the benefits the digital currency system might bring as it is integrated with traditional finance structures and decentralized finance (defi) institutions.

Digital Real Might Be Ready in 2024, According to Roberto Campos Neto
Brazil is one of the countries that has made significant advancements in the field of central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the last year. While there is currently no official date for the issuance of the digital real, Roberto Campos Neto, president of the Central Bank of Brazil, has hinted at a possible launch of the currency in 2024. At a Dec. 13 event, Campos Neto stated:

In 2024, I would like to have a release. There are still many challenges to reach this schedule, but this is our vision, our goal.

Campos Neto considers this to be possible if the test-trial run for the digital real starts in 2023, concluding that same year. However, he also recognizes that there are many challenges on the roadmap that could delay the completion of the project.