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TEASWAP official Announcement - Public Sale 1 $MINT = 8.25$+ | Airdrop LTD

TEASWAP official Announcement - Public Sale

1 $MINT = 8.25$+

TeaSwap introduces DEFI to everyone while contributing to large-scale projects: Esport, Associations, Research projects and more!

Phase 1 : MINT farming

Token Information:
Name / ticker : $MINT
Blockchain: BSC
Total Supply: 280,000 (Initial Supply : 32,000)

Phase 1: LOADING

PancakeSwap: 04/28/21 at 5 p.m UTC

Token Contract Address: COMING SOON

Presale : 24-26 April ( already closed )
Dapp: 04/28/21 at 5 p.m UTC

Social Links:
Website: http://tea-swap.finance
TG Group: https://t.me/TeaswapFinance
Twitter : https://twitter.com/SwapTea
(350$ GIVEWAY!)
Medium : https://teaswap-finance.medium.com/its-tea-time-cd7d243debe2