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*PROMOTE* Just Fairlaunched AlphaADA, string community and | Crypto Coin Launch


Just Fairlaunched

AlphaADA, string community and low MC
Liquidity locked and rewards being distributed as we speak.

••• 𝗧 𝗢 𝗞 𝗘 𝗡 𝗢 𝗠 𝗜 𝗖 𝗦 •••
100 Billion Total Supply
9% ADA Rewards to holders
3% Liquidity tax
5% BuyBack to burn
7% Marketing tax
6% ADA Rewards to holders
3% Liquidity tax
3% Lotto tax
3% Marketing tax

Token Information :
Name : AlphaADA
Symbol : ALADA
Blockchain : BSC
Total Supply :100 billion

Contract Address :

Pancakeswap :

Chart: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x0dcae93701e88f21896909f01c4d4dff516d4310

Website: https://alpha-ada.co.uk

Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/Cryptopiller

Telegram Group:https://t.me/AlphaADAtoken