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Penguin TOKEN ($PENG) Starting LP 500b, from developers po | Crypto Experts Trading

Penguin TOKEN ($PENG)
Starting LP 500b, from developers pockets
coingecko listed

contract ownership renouced
The pool has been locked

Advertising and marketing are already in place to connect with the community.
The project party has already docked cmc, certik audit is under application, there will be more updates

Top 3 on dextools

Contract address: 0x3babb320d40b54ee5c0ba29d7a31460884b5996d

Token supply : 100000000000000000
20%: burned
70 %: LP
5%: Airdrop
5%: Charity wallet
Burning: 12% (5% to add liquidity, 5% to hold currency dividends, 2% to burn) the more the number of transactions, the higher the liquidity pool, the more burns

Official website: www.penguintoken.finance
Whitepaper : Penguin whitepaper is available on the official website
Chinese Telegram Group: https://t.me/penguintoken_cn
English Telegram Group: https://t.me/penguintokenofficial
Forward three WeChat groups, screenshots can be airdropped by the administrator!