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TH OCTOBER Upcoming Launches - Invest Wisely - CRYPTO | .

TH OCTOBER Upcoming Launches - Invest Wisely - CRYPTO LAUNCH BSC GEM

- Disclaimer: Any token can be scam, do your own research of your contract, website, social group before investing in the project. the tokens with the symbol have been scanned by the bot

- Common scams: DO NOT INVEST in projects that have more muted than unmuted chat time, those are RED FLAGS 99% are scams The same goes for projects that do not deliver on their promise, when they promise you an AMA voice call before launch, but it is launched without starting the AMA


16:00 UTC @Squidgame_coin
12:00 UTC @SolariToken
13:00 UTC @zufinance
13:00 UTC @dogeastronaut
17:00 UTC @diamondhandsholder
14:00 UTC @FlokiShiba_Token
16:00 UTC @Squidgame_coin
16:45 UTC @Busdium
18:00 UTC @Ocean_Token
@Squidgame_coin 16:00UTC NEW
@Busdium 16:45UTC NEW
@Ocean_Token 18:00UTC NEW
@FlokiKingInu 19:00UTC NEW


Ends today @DefiSportsLLC
Ends today @MicroPets ends
Ends today @FlokiSimpOfficial ends
Ends on 10/18 @Echoes_chat
Ends on 10/18 @Moongame_io
Ends on 10/18 @CryptopolisGame
Ends on 10/20 @Envelop_en
Ends on 17:00 @diamondhandsholder
Ends on 10/21 @DungeonMasterOfficial
Ends on 10/24 @Howlcity_en
Ends on 10/25 @Portalgroupchat
Ends on 10/25 @NanoFlokichat


13:00 UTC @AutoCryptoInternational
15:00 UTC @MicroPets
15:00 UTC @Flokithecreator
15:00 UTC @Flockioficial
16:00 UTC @Sky_Shiba
22:00 UTC @FlokishimaOfficial
TBA @Snakerofficialchat
@diamondhandsholder 17:00 UTC
@Sky_Shiba 16:00UTC NEW
@BabyDeFido_BSC 19:00UT NEWC PinkSale NEW
@FlokiKingBSC 20:00UTC PinkSale NEW
@empirebusinesstoken 20:00UTC DxSale NEW
@FlokishimaOfficial 22:00UTC PinkSale NEW
@ecomotobr 22:00UTC DxSale NEW
@Snakerofficialchat TBA NEW
@camistry_io Live DxSale NEW
15:00 UTC @MicroPets NEW
15:00 UTC @BullishApes NEW
16:00 UTC @PopArtNFT NEW
17:00 UTC @luckyStrikeglobal NEW
22:00 UTC @FlokishimaOfficial NEW


12:30 UTC @Greencandle_official
18:00 UTC @AutoCryptoInternational
19:00 UTC @HNWStakeholders
20:00 UTC @YoRocketOfficial
12:30 UTC@greencandle_official NEW
15:00 UTC @https://t.me/YaanLaunchpad NEW
20:00 UTC @YoRocketOfficial NEW


13:00 UTC @AutoCryptoInternational
15:00 UTC @MicroPets
16:00 UTC @Sky_Shiba
@diamondhandsholder 17:00 UTC
17:00 UTC @LuckyStrikeglobal
18:00 UTC @HNWStakeholders
19:00 UTC @FlokiSimpOfficial
19:00 UTC @BabyDeFido_BSC


- CONTACT US: @cryptofairlauchcontact

- SCAM ALERT GROUP: @cryptobsc_scamalert

- Twitter: https://twitter.com/cryptolaunchbsc

- Telegram: @cryptolaunchtracker

- Use StaySAFU scanner before doing further research on the token you want to invest in: @SAFUScannerBot.

- Share with your friends and family to bring this community to more people and add more opportunities.