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1. Trojan - Best trading bot on $SOL directly for trades on t | 🔱Lyxe Calls (FREE)🔱

1. Trojan -

Best trading bot on $SOL directly for trades on telegram, getting closer everyday to an airdrop that looks like it'll be one of the biggest in the ecosystem.

How to earn: Click this link, start farming by using this bot to facilitate your trades, can also earn through referrals.

2. BullX

Replacement for Photon, this is a similar trading bot but this is better for desktop trading and looking at charts, even has a "dev sold" live function.

*5X AirDrop rewards with this link^*

How to earn: Join the ecosystem here, start farming by again using their platform.

Airdops coming this month apparently!

3. Jupiter

Jupiter is already a huge project, and has already had a V1 airdrop that some people made mills from, they have a planned V2 airdrop that has a "confirmed size" of $900m.

There's like 500 ways to farm jupiter but again, using their platform to swap is a big one.

I will drop an indepth YouTube video on how to best take advantage on all of these very soon.