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@StopBezos Site: http://stopbezos.space Become a millionai | x100 Moon Wolf signals

Site: http://stopbezos.space

Become a millionaire while helping others in need! Millionaires and billionaires like Bezos get rich while neglecting people like us, so we decided we should all become millionaires!

A movement-oriented token based on community to STOP juggernauts from misusing their power and neglecting hard-workers



Jeff Bezos does not care about his employees. To him, they are nothing more than robots. These are real humans who work tirelessly for his benefit and receive punishment and abuse as a reward. Meanwhile, Bezos spends the money their backbreaking labor yields with reckless abandon, engaging in pricey publicity stunts, spending exorbitantly to save his reputation and disguise these injustices, and flying to space on a narcissistic vacation.

$STOPBEZOS has just launched!

One of the most promising BSC projects
Amazon Worker Fund live!