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It’s time to reveal the results of our crypto quiz Who | Cryptonews

It’s time to reveal the results of our crypto quiz

Who is the creator of Bitcoin? - Satoshi Nakamoto

In what year was the first block of the Bitcoin blockchain mined? - 2009

In what year was the first major cryptocurrency exchange, Mt. Gox, launched? - 2010

What was the first altcoin (alternative cryptocurrency) to be created after Bitcoin? - Litecoin

What was the first initial coin offering (ICO) to take place? - Mastercoin

What was the first country to fully legalize the use of Bitcoin as a currency? - Japan

What was the first major retailer to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment? - Overstock

In what year did the infamous DAO hack occur, which led to the creation of Ethereum Classic? - 2016

What was the first major company to invest in Bitcoin, buying 30,000 BTC in 2020? - MicroStrategy

What is the name of the consensus mechanism used by Bitcoin? - Proof of Work

What was the first ICO to raise over $1 billion? - Telegram