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​​Google Ads is expanding its crypto-related advertisement pol | NFT Community

​​Google Ads is expanding its crypto-related advertisement policy.

In a policy statement Google informs that beginning August 3, advertisers offering Cryptocurrency Exchanges and Wallets targeting the United States may advertise those products and services when they meet the requirements and are certified by Google."

To qualify, exchanges and wallets need:

to be duly registered with

FinCEN as a Money Services Business and with at least one state as a money transmitter; or
a federal or state chartered bank entity.

Comply with relevant legal requirements, including any local legal requirements, whether at a state or federal level.

Ensure their ads and landing pages comply with all Google Ads policies

Google concludes the statement with several prohibitions, including Ads for initial coin offerings, DeFi trading protocols etc.

The new certification process will replace one that has existed for crypto exchanges since late 2018.