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SpaceSoldier - 8,800 Soldiers Holding in just 3 Days! TELEG | CRYPTOSTAGE

SpaceSoldier - 8,800 Soldiers Holding in just 3 Days!

TELEGRAM: @SpaceSoldierFinance

is also the worlds first deflationary token devoted to our Veterans!
*Ownership Renounced*

$Soldier is in talks with many Big Influencers for marketing!
Easy 100x Potential with market cap sitting at just under 3Mill and Rising!

Website has whitepaper


Contract Address: *Available on Pancake swap*
(Be sure to use above as they had a copy cat scammer make a fake)

Team Is hard at work just a day in with a quickly building community:

CoinMarketCap - Applied
CoinGecko - Applied
CoinhuntCC - Listed Today!
TrustWalletApp Logo - Applied and paid for.
Blockfolio - Applied
Delta App - Applied
CoinhuntCC - Listed

Strong Soldiernomics ( 4% of EACH Transaction goes to holders | 4% of EACH Transaction goes to Liquidly Pool ! )

Liquidity Pool Locked for 3 years so you can rest easy.
30% Of Tokens were burned at launch


List On CMC, Coin Gecko, Blockfolio, Delta, and more!
Advertisements on major crypto platforms.
Create Partnerships and Donate to Veteran Organizations Worldwide.
SoldierSwap - Proposed DEX (Decentralized Exchange)
NFT Trading Platform
Further Marketing and Charity Expansions Towards Helping Veterans All Over The World!
( Soldiers thank all Vets and Currently enlisted for their service! )