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SaintToken | 1000X potential Charity Token SaintToken is t | Crypto x100

SaintToken | 1000X potential

Charity Token

SaintToken is the new crypto project in the market, in Binnace Smart Chain network. This coin has the potential to give massive gains. This is not just another random memecoin but a token with the real life use of changing the lives of thousands and thousands of children who are stricken by poverty, child labour and abuse.

Idea behind SaintToken

There are more than 2.2 billion children in the world. Many of them are stricken by poverty, sickness, and/or abuse. Most of the problems faced by children can be mitigated through research, product development, and volunteerism, and there are many great organizations working to make an impact, however available funds, or the lack thereof, is an issue. Saint Token is on a mission to change this!


We believe that crypto currency is the ticket to financial freedom from corporate slavery of capitalistic overlords. We want a world where regular people can get rich as well &, where children don't have to do child labour.

Child labour Abuse

According to UNICEF, there are 300 million children who work as child labour. This number is a proof that there is something very wrong with the current economic system. While we don't claim to change the entire system, we can do our efforts to mitigate the abuse against children by our tokennomics.

$SaintToken is a community-driven Charity cryptocurrency, we have many short and long term goals in order to become a well established utility. With the help and support of our community we aim to separate ourselves from other crypto currencies.

Currency for Children

SaintToken is currency for the betterment of children, all over the world, specially in Africa & India. we believe in long term and have a solid use-case project. Our plan is to create an altcoin that can rival the traditional crypto currencies that have been the currencies if rich-men like Elon Musk who can topple the entiry market with one tweet. We believe that currency should be totally decentralized and should not be the monopoly of few rich people.

Marketing Campaign

We've detailed marketing program. We've access to a network of marketing influencers including Entertainers, Athletes and Social Media influencers who all have the same interest in making SaintCoin a Success. If you're a crypto influencer, do contact us to help us in marketing.


Saint Token employs 4 simple functions: Reflection + LP acquisition + Burn + Charitable donations in each trade, the transaction is taxed a 10% fee, which is split 3 ways.

-4% fee = redistributed to all existing holders
-4% fee is split 50/50 half of which is sold by the contract into BNB, while the other half of the SAINT tokens are paired automatically with the previously mentioned BNB and added as a liquidity pair on Pancake Swap.
-2% fee = charitable donations.
-Use 12% slippage to buy.


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