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Waterfall DeFi launches stacking module on the main network | Best Crypto Traders Official

Waterfall DeFi launches stacking module on the main network

The DeFi team at Waterfall has announced the launch of the stacking module on the core network. There are two types of stacking rewards on Waterfall: WTF and protocol fees. The developers claim that the stacking APR is "up to 150% APR."

"By locking in your WTF assets for veWTF (WTF with vote escrow), you will receive ongoing stacking rewards. In addition to stacking rewards, veWTF will become the default voting token for management after the Waterfall DAO is set up," the statement reads.

"To get veWTF, you need to lock up your WTF assets for a minimum of three months and a maximum of two years. The longer you lock up your WTF, the greater share of the stacking rewards and management power you will receive. Your veWTF holdings will give you a say in future management offerings," Waterfall reports.