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AMA ANNOUNCEMENT The Scavengers are proud to announce our | csgannouncements


The Scavengers are proud to announce our AMA Session with LatticeMarketplace on 19th November, at 8 PM UTC. Our speaker will be Boitansky.

HOSTED BY : @SamCuddy
SPEAKER : @boitansky
DATE : 19th November 2021
TIME : 08:00 PM UTC
VENUE : @CryptoScavengerGroup

The AMA will have 2 segments:
: Project Introduction
: Free Ask

The AMA will first have a segment where the speaker will be answering questions from the host. After that there will be a free ask section where the chat will remain closed so that developers can react to any questions from their and our community. These questions will be asked through private messaging @SamCuddy.

Join the Lattice Marketplace TG: https://t.me/LatticeNFT
Follow LatticeMarkerplace on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lattice_NFT
Visit LatticeMarketplace at https://latticemarketplace.com
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