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Ahoy, Captains Tower Defish continues to develop and the op | World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains

Tower Defish continues to develop and the open beta is closer than you think. Today we will tell you more about the new competitive game mode that you will be able to play quite soon.

#TDdevblog 13

Tower Defish is going to have more than 200 levels in different areas of the map. But for those, who will complete all of them, and those who wants to fight for the title of the world's best fish hunter we have something very special.

Survival Mode is an alternative game mode, not limited by time or fish waves. The player will defend the river against endless waves of fish, with each new wave getting stronger than the last.

You will receive rewards based on how many waves you withstand and your results will appear on the global leaderboard.

The top-ranking players in the leaderboard will not only win glory and renown for themselves, but also will be rewarded for their outstanding performance.

Get ready to climb the leaderboard and keep your eyes open for news, Captains, for Tower Defish's open beta is coming soon.

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