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Withdrawal Information (ENU & CPT Mining Tokens) 1). Withdr | Eagle Network Announcement

Withdrawal Information
(ENU & CPT Mining Tokens)

1). Withdrawal Threshold
Minimum redeem balance is 1,000 Eagle. Continue to mine step by step to get minimum 1000 points as redeem balance. Note that mining balance is different from redeem balance.
Mining Balance - Total Mined
Redeem Balance - Available to redeem

2). Withdrawal Percentage
5% is the starting redeem percentage for the first month of March. To increase step by step in upcoming months to 100% by 10/24

3). Redeem Once Monthly
Miners can redeem or withdraw only once every 30 days. After next 30 days can redeem again.

4). Withdrawal Deposits
After miners redeem, withdrawal deposits are only processed on Thursdays on the following month. This means that after redeem miners only get tokens ENU & CPT sent to all successful redeem requests only on Thursdays on the next month.

5). Withdrawal Tokens
(a) Eagle Network App mining and redeem Egon-Inu Token (ENU)
Use only ENU address from Cryptokara wallet

(b) Eagle Cloud Miner App mining and redeem Catapult Protocol Token (CPT)
Use only CPT address from Cryptokara wallet

6). Withdrawal Wallet App
Miners must use Cryptokara wallet app for withdrawals for both mining app - ENU & CPT
Using any other wallet means you will not see your redeem token.

7). Use Correct Address
Miners must watch withdrawal videos to know how to redeem and the correct address to use for withdrawals.
Using incorrect things as your redeem address means you lost the token amount.

8). When List Mining Tokens?
Both ENU token and CPT token will be listed by their project teams in the following months. There is no specific date yet. Read and follow project to know more.
Both teams of ENU and CPT to start project management before March end, kindly wait for them to get accurate and upto date information.

9). Partnership Projects
Egon-Inu Token and Catapult Protocol Token are project partners to Eagle Network as first launchpads. Eagle Network is actively operating as a launchpad for innovative projects using the EGON Blockchain Network for deployment.

10). Create & Build Tokens / NFTs
Potential token and NFT projects can now apply to partner with Eagle Network on launchpad starting from 10/24.
Apply now and let's work together to build on EgonCoin Blockchain !

Withdrawal Video