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Big News for EgonSwap Community! The Moment We've All Been | Eagle Network Announcement

Big News for EgonSwap Community!

The Moment We've All Been Waiting For Has Arrived!

Dear EgonSwap Token Holders,

Prepare to be part of a groundbreaking moment in the history of EgonSwap! We are thrilled to announce that our highly anticipated migration Dapp is now ready to launch, marking the beginning of a new era for our community. The migration process commence on March 20th, 2024, and here's everything you need to know about this exciting journey!

Mark Your Calendars! March 20th, 2024:
This is the day when all eligible EgonSwap Token holders get their ECT token corresponding with EgonSwap Token balance taken on snapshot time before October 2023. Make sure to update your EgonWallet wallet to new version released after 20/03/24

Migration Dapp Launch:
(Will be activated starting from 21/03/24)

Our migration Dapp is designed to offer you a seamless and secure transition from EgonSwap Tokens to EgonCoin. Our user-friendly dapp is designed to ensure that your migration experience is not just smooth, but also enjoyable.

Migration Starting on 21 March!
From this day the first batch of our token holders will embark on their migration journey. Be ready to witness the power of innovation and community coming together.

How to Migrate:
After you have received your ECT token deposited into your EgonSwap Token holding address, starting from 21th March, connect your wallet to our Dapp, follow the instructions, and your EgonSwap Tokens will be converted to EgonCoin based on a monthly distribution as voted by our community!
It's a transparent and secure process.

Step By Step Video
Follow this YouTube Video Link

1). Make sure to watch this migration steps video to fully understand how the migration works.

2). Make sure to update your EgonWallet with new version released after 20/03/24.
Update with reset method.

3). Team or admin will not private chat you offering to help.
Only scammers will do that!

4). Community Sale
Migration dapp for community sale participants comes on the 21/03/24.
The migration works same way with EgonSwap Token holders so do watch the migration videos and follow all things.

Community at Heart:
Your voice matters! Join our community discussions, share your thoughts, and let's celebrate this milestone together.

We can't wait to embark on this exciting journey with you. Prepare your wallets, set the date, and let's make history together!

EgonCoin Team:
United by Blockchain, Driven by Community!